:( Have been procrastinating and been busy again.. didn't keep to my promised weekly posts but pls dont abandon me! Please continue to visit this space for weekly updates!! I will try my best to preload all my posts properly :p
:( Have been procrastinating and been busy again.. didn't keep to my promised weekly posts but pls dont abandon me! Please continue to visit this space for weekly updates!! I will try my best to preload all my posts properly :p
Bringing on the post on our visit to the Art Science Musuem @ MBS for The Art Of The Bricks exhibition! :D
I wanted to attempt a new blogging style but shall do it on the next post since I've already uploaded my pics for this post! Hope it works out!
Outfit of the day: White crotchet dress from HerVelvetVase :D
Check out my new hairclip from B's sis! So pretty hehe~