The Art Of The Bricks Exhibition

By 10:57 PM
:( Have been procrastinating and been busy again.. didn't keep to my promised weekly posts but pls dont abandon me! Please continue to visit this space for weekly updates!! I will try my best to preload all my posts properly :p

Bringing on the post on our visit to the Art Science Musuem @ MBS for The Art Of The Bricks exhibition! :D

I wanted to attempt a new blogging style but shall do it on the next post since I've already uploaded my pics for this post! Hope it works out!

Outfit of the day: White crotchet dress from HerVelvetVase :D
Check out my new hairclip from B's sis! So pretty hehe~

Redang Cruise Trip Part 2! :D

By 12:19 AM
So sorry for the super long hiatus from my blog! Have been really busy with work :( my workload is crazy now.. I hate to refresh my inbox.. arghh.. but anyway~ i promise to blog much more often from today onwards! Lots of pictures to blog about, so stay tuned! :D

Thank u Ben, Bestie, Chewy and also Rosanne (B told me you read my blog too! :) Thank u!!)
for being loyal readers of my blog!! :D

After saving this post in my drafts folder for so long, I decided to go ahead and post this exciting part of our 2012 cruise trip to Redang first! :p
Part 1 will be up once i sort out the pictures hehe!

Please pardon me for the quality of this series of photos becos they are taken using the old Fujifilm digital camera. It's not Nikky, nor is it Lumix. It's their predecessor haha.. Brought this camera out with us on our snorkelling trip becos there's no lockers provided when we snorkel :p

Excitedly heading to the gathering area at The Lido getting ready to disembark for our snorkelling trip! :D

B & me :)