Day-dreaming of the next holiday destination when I thought of my Scandinavia travelogue that is not updated fully.. :p Time to settle my wanderlust mood with these pictures for now!
Today's travel post is one of the most scenic portion of my entire 2012 Scandinavia trip! :D
Bringing to you pictures of our journey into the depth of the Norwegian Fjordlands, one of the prettiest place I have seen so far! It's a wonderful place filled with soaring mountains, icy glaciers and rivers.. Simply magnificent~ Almost any picture taken would be postcard scenery.. *in my opinion :p* Of course, do pardon my amateur photography skills as I feel that they don't do justice to the pretty scenery.. Would love to head there again one day with my tripod in hand and lots of free and easy time to take even more photos! *daydreams*
Rise & shine and it was time to journey into the beautiful Norwegian Fjordland!