I miss the mugging period :(

By 12:30 AM

Dug out these photos from my hard disk folder called "overdue photos from Nikky" LOL.. Decided to post a mini post to reminisce the last stressful exam period!:p
Despite the fact that mugging days were really stressful, I kinda miss the mugging days..At that moment, you can't wait for the mugging days to be over.. But now, I secretly wish that i'm still a student..

Here's B all focused and checking his codes etc..

But this is what happens when the system has errors!?!?!

We are The Furballs (WTF) Cafe

By 12:18 AM

I was so excited when i found out about this new cafe and i pestered B to bring me there!
First visit to such an interesting concept cafe! We are The Furballs (WTF) Cafe

Spot the cute sign near the shopfront! :)
Purchased our drinks and paid entrance fee before proceeding to meet the furballs! :D

New blog, new post

By 4:45 PM
My favourite furball <3
Starting off my new blog with a picture of my favourite furball!! :D Finally got down to setting up a new blog with the free time in hand now.. Look out for more blogposts to come! Back to photo editing and plz let the sky be less gloomy! I really want to go out for a jog! >_<  Till the next post, Tata~!